Friday 27 November 2015


I knew someone for last 2 years.
Someone that I often saw keluar masuk masjid and perform solah right after the athan.
And yes, I admire him.
A lot.
Siapa yang tak have a crush on someone like that kot.
Perfect in every single thing.
But I don't know la what's bad about him.

Pernah dulu, his friends selalu kacau me and him saying that i like him and bila kitaorang bertembung je mesti diorang kacau kacau.
But he acted cool.
Bajet macho but he is!! Hahahahaha
Sampai dia cakap through my friend yg dia tak nak couple couple ni and says sorry to me. Hahahaha kelakar pulak la dia ni. Kita bukannya nak couple ke apa je admiring his attitude and all je. 

But trust me, he worth it.
He's the kind of guy very classy.
Even dia pious, still pandai bergaya.
So tak nampak la dia macam alim ulamak sangat.
And that's what makes me likes him hehehehe.

Dia pernah ckp don't put any hope on me.
Because he thought that i liked like him very much. Hahahahah kelakar gila dia
Dia takut that he will make someone sad and depress but no bro no, you're my inspiration to be a better muslim.
So just relax and enjoy your life.

I've been to his house masa raya and his friends kenalkan me as his girlfriend hahahaha masatu memang kelakar gila but he acted cool because he doesn't want me to be malu. I got that.

But recently, my friend told me yg dia dah nak berkahwin.
Maybe about 2 years from now.
Sebab both sides dah agree.
I'm happy for him.
Truly from my heart I'm glad that he's already find someone that deserves to be his wife.

Wednesday 28 October 2015


Entah la, I feel nothing.
Rasa mcm lebih baik hidup sorang dlm dunia ni I mean tak pyh fikir psl org lain pikir psl diri sendiri je.
Please let me be a heartless person.
I just need my family and Allah in my life.

Thursday 1 October 2015


I failed. In everything.
I know I'm not a perfect person.
I know my lines.
When it comes to respect people that we really need to, I can't really fulfilled 'em.
Idk why.
I love them with all my heart but sometimes they made me annoy and sick.
Tired of everyday issues.
I don't wanna to be a rude,  but their act and attitude made me like this.
I'm so sorry for everything.
There's something that I really need to tell you that you're not the only one that live in this world.
Don't keep blaming others whilst you're the one who keep making others be that way.
I love you guys but your attitude towards him makes me feel like you don't even respect him.
Pity him.
I want you to know that the way you treat him, it is obviously not what a person like you should do.
I don't wanna to see you both hurt.
And I afraid, I am now become like you.
I don't want to.

Please Oh Allah, do save me from being someone that You wrath.

Monday 17 August 2015


Idk why I just can't simply trust someone. Even they're my close friends. I can feel when they lied to my face. Maybe they just don't want to see me hurt because the truth might be hurt but I need to know the truth. 
Simple isn't it? Hurt? Insya Allah I can bear it bacause all I need is the truth. I hate lies. Just say it damn it. 
If you can't make it, tell me the real situation, not using someone's name just don't want me get hurt. 
Idk, I just can't accept it when someone's lying on my face.
Every single lies, I just happened to know 'em all.
I'm sorry but I have trust issues.